Trendfire & Materials Hauling

Increasing Safety, Efficiency and Profit
We bring materials haulers high-value technology solutions that enable profitable revenue growth and support long-term competitiveness. By providing the basics needed in daily fleet operations, then adding in innovative capabilities that allow you to avoid issues and reduce risk, Trendfire gives you solutions to simplify your success.
We cover the basics …
- Route Planning and Navigation
- GPS Location Monitoring
- Geofencing
- Arrival Time Specification and Monitoring
- Driver Messaging
- App-Based Forms and Documents
- Driver Vehicle Inspection Reporting
- Data Collection and Analysis across vehicle manufacturers, makes and models
- Standard Reports including: Safety and Compliance, Fuel Usage, and Expenses
- Fleet Management
- Dispatch System Integration
… and we go beyond
- ELD+ including time tracking details and proactive service hour warnings for drivers and dispatchers
- DVIR+ including full cycle workflow process linked to maintenance
- Enhanced Triggers and Alerts across all data and users
- Data Export for company-specific analyses
- Consistent Driver Evaluation and Rating, regardless of route
- Flexible Forms Package for creating company-specific, app-based forms
- Truck / Trailer Pairing
- Equipment / Trailer Pairing
Trendfire Solutions Working Together
Start to Finish — Success Simplified
All of the tools offered by Trendfire are designed to allow integration across companies that work together. Our telematics system allows companies to stand alone, or to share data with their partners (Construction and Concrete).
The goal: To arm our customers with the tools they need to control and enhance their short and long term business success. Your success … simplified.
Want to know more?
Rather chat? Give us a call!
Phone: +1 530 350 6350